Male Student In 犯罪学 Discussion

犯罪学 focuses on the study of crime and its roots and effects on society. Criminologists study the origins of crime and then find ways to improve the treatment of both victims and offenders. As a subfield of 社会学, students complete course work in both criminology and sociology. The curriculum in 社会学 and 犯罪学 provides students with essential foundations to engage in a range of careers and graduate study.

Explore the Human Condition and Crime

Study Crime and the Cause Behind Criminal Behavior


资本’s 犯罪学 program is grounded in the scientific study of crime and the criminal justice system with emphasis on strong analytical, 研究, and critical thinking skills. 犯罪学 is the social science field that is concerned with the study and analysis of crime: the definition of crime, 犯罪的原因, 以及犯罪行为. Anchored in the field of 社会学, students complete course work in both 犯罪学 and 社会学. The curriculum provides students with essential foundations to engage in a range of careers and graduate study. With a strong liberal arts education, and exceptional real-world experience through internships and community engaged learning in several classes, 资本 students are prepared for any career they want to pursue.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • Federal, State, and City Agencies
  • 法律
  • 执法
  • 受害者的宣传
  • 少年司法
  • 假释官
  • 缓刑监督官
  • 律师助理

Student to Faculty Ratio


Of Students Complete Either a Capstone or Internship Experience


Faculty 建议 from Start to Finish



With campus only minutes away from Columbus, students have the opportunity to apply what they learn in the classroom to real life settings through internships, community engagement projects, undergraduate 研究 and studying abroad. Under direction of the 犯罪学 faculty, students have the opportunity to engage in internships and community service for the duration of one or two semesters. Students can further enrich their educational journey, in coordination with faculty and the 威尼斯人官网 Office, through study at the Washington Center in Washington, D.C.,或者出国留学.


At 资本, 犯罪学 and 社会学 are offered as both majors and minors. 社会学 is the social science field that is concerned with the study of the human condition: social existence, 社会行为, social issues and problems, and how societies function and change. 犯罪学 is the social science field that is concerned with the study and analysis of crime: the definition of crime, 犯罪的原因 以及犯罪行为. With a 12:1 student to faculty ratio, the professional faculty are dedicated to teaching students and ensuring their success both during their time at 资本 and after graduation.


The dedicated 犯罪学 faculty are determined to bring out the best in all of our students and introduce them to an in-depth understanding of their chosen field. Each student is paired with a faculty advisor that will help them navigate through the required classes and their time at 资本. 作为专业人士, the faculty are able to make invaluable career introductions, write recommendation letters for graduate school, and mentor students as they pursue jobs in their chosen fields.


  • Introduction to 社会学
  • Principles of 犯罪学
  • 社会公德
  • 职业规划
  • 刑事司法制度
  • 少年司法
  • 受害者研究
“I was attracted to 资本 and appreciated the personal attention I received from the faculty from the moment I stepped on campus. It was always that 资本 truly cared about their students and was committed to their success! During my last semester, I interned with an organization that runs a network of halfway houses. I accepted a full-time job with them immediately after graduation. I truly love my job and the opportunity I have to help offenders make positive changes and choices in their lives.”

-Rebecca Neubig, 犯罪学 and 社会学, Class of 2018

Female Walking With A Cell Phone


Male And Female Standing In Front Of Mees


Students Standing Around Gate

