
October 2023: Scholarly 和 Professional Achievements

每个月, 威尼斯人平台 takes immense pride in showcasing the remarkable accomplishments of our faculty, 工作人员, 和学生. 这些成就, ranging from groundbreaking research 和 innovative projects to significant contributions in various fields, reflect the vibrant intellectual community 和 commitment to excellence that define our institution. 与我们一起为这些里程碑和个人鼓掌,他们不仅推进了各自的学科,而且塑造了我们大学和社区的未来.

祝贺 Dr. David Reed(计算机科学) 谁是威尼斯人平台在全州高等教育计划中增加计算机专业毕业生的负责人. A group of 15 Ohio colleges 和 universities, 包括资本, is working to recruit 和 graduate more students in computer science 和 related computational fields. The $2 million NSF grant supports the five-year Ohio Pathways to Undergraduate Computing Success project, which aims to increase the state’s capacity to fill the growing employer dem和. Baldwin Wallace is the lead institution on the grant. 

祝贺 Dr. Olga Shonia(教育), Dr. Sally Creasap(教育), Dr. 保罗·霍普金斯(教育)Dr. John Soloninka (education 和 psychology) who received The Ohio Deans Compact on Exceptional Children Grant. 两年200美元,000美元的赠款将支持混合式/包容性教师培训项目的发展和实施,从而获得普通教育和特殊教育的双重执照.

荣誉 Dr. 安迪·卡尔森(历史)Tristen Davis (Student 和 Community Engagement). 卡尔森和戴维斯, in collaboration with Lyn Logan-Grimes, Cultural 艺术s Director of the King 艺术s Complex in Columbus Ohio, were selected by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Legacies of American Slavery: Reckoning with the Past, 公共历史研究所. 该团队开发了一个跨学科和跨机构的项目,将加强和告知公众对奴隶制的记忆和解释,挑战并告知我们州和地区的公民. 他们的工作将为其他人创造可复制的过程,为我们地区奴隶制的历史和遗产的知识体系作出贡献, while also contributing artifacts of history 和 learning to local institutions.

祝贺 水晶矿工(学生) 以及教师导师 Dr. 克里斯汀·安德森(生物学). 他们的研究题为“青蛙和蟾蜍的出现与栖息地质量的关系”,在威尼斯人平台霍金县的初级户外学习中心进行,得到了俄亥俄州生物调查的外部资助. 根据Miner的说法, “这段经历让我对环境和其中的物种如何帮助创造一个健康、功能良好的生态系统有了更多的了解. 这个项目帮助我们更多地了解了primer的栖息地质量,这可能会在未来带来更多有趣的发现."

荣誉, Dr. 赵浩云(教育). 赵的工作, Development of Mathematical Task Analytic Framework: Proactive 和 Reactive, was published in the Journal of Korean Society Mathematics 教育 Series A: The Mathematical 教育.

祝贺 Dr. Nisreen Daoud(教育), 布拉德利·康拉德(教育), 赵浩云(教育) who recently published the manuscript, 成为:不确定时期一年级教师的学生教学故事及其对第一年教学的影响, 在杂志上, School-University Partnerships. 该团队与一年级和二年级的新毕业生合作,为他们提供指导,同时他们分享了作为一名新教师和二年级教师的故事.

Dr. 赵浩云(教育) 是受邀参与“以2022年新课程为基础编写韩国国家数学教科书1-2年级”项目的两位美国教授之一吗, which is funded by Korean Ministry of 教育. The team includes 13 professors (10 professors in Korean 和 2 professors in the United States) 和 58 teachers. 干得好,博士. 赵.

祝贺 MSN students Christine Heckler 和 Becky Anderson presented Tips 和 Tricks to Simulation Debriefing at the Ohio Student Nurses Association (OhSNA) conference. 他们长达一小时的互动演讲探讨了学生护士通常没有学习汇报技能的原因,以及如何提高护士的汇报技能.

祝贺 Professor Cynthia Holder Rich (seminary) 谁的种族, 神学, the Church: A Transatlantic Conversation, a Model for a Church in Productive Tension is being published in Decolonial Horizons (Palgrave MacMillan), edited by Raimundo Barreto 和 Vladimir Latinovic. 对于这个项目, 里奇教授与另外两位教授一起进行了一项为期两年的实验,他们共同为美国和坦桑尼亚的学生教授一门课程, discussing both separately 和 together the impact of race 和 racism on theology 和 ecclesiology.

Dr. 保罗·霍普金斯(教育) 在沃辛顿基尔伯恩高中举办了一个名为“评估101:让评估在我们的课堂上变得有意义”的研讨会. 在车间里, participants examined how to make assessments meaningful in classrooms for educators 和学生. 霍普金斯反映说:“教育工作者可以通过将有意义的形成性评估纳入他们的学习经历,从他们自己的专业实践中学到很多东西.干得好!

祝贺 Dr. Leigh Anne Meyer(护理) 谁在俄亥俄州护理联盟年度全州护士教育峰会上获得了俄亥俄州护理联盟:卓越教学奖, 2023年3月. 该奖项是为了表彰对俄亥俄州护理教育和护理学生的教学做出重大贡献的奖项. Dr. Meyer said that “It was an honor to receive such an award from my nurse educator peers. I am humbled to have my 13 years as a nurse educator acknowledged in such a way, I look forward to serving the aspiring nurses of our state for many years to come.” 

荣誉, Dr. Leigh Anne Meyer(护理) 他在阿布扎比举行的Sigma第34届国际护理研究大会上发表了题为“法医护士的职业生活质量指标和离职意向”的演讲, 阿拉伯联合酋长国. Meyer’s work examined how forensic nurses provide specialized care to those who have suffered trauma, so the ongoing high attrition of nurses in the role is of special concern. Aspects of professional quality of life, 比如同情疲劳, 二次创伤, burnout play a significant role in turnover intention. 发展我们的知识基础,了解导致护士离开这一专业实践的因素,对于制定发展和维持这一护理队伍的战略是有价值的.

祝贺 Dr. Liam O'Loughlin(英语) who recently published Writing South Asia in Disastrous Time in the South Asian Review. 根据O 'Laughlin的说法, 本期《威尼斯人平台》特刊转向小说,探讨了我们在全球灾难(尤其是COVID和气候变化)中所处的不平等状况, 电影, poetry from South Asia 和 its diaspora. 奥劳克林说:“很高兴能与路易斯安那州和加利福尼亚州的优秀合作者共同撰写介绍并共同编辑这一期特刊. Collaboration 和 co-authorship are still not the norm in humanities scholarship, but thankfully the trend is steadily changing.”

荣誉, Dr. 查德·佩顿(音乐) who has been a voice teacher at Seagle Festival in Schroon Lake, New York. 自2010年以来, Payton spends his summers in the Adirondack Mountains at Seagle Festival, the nation's oldest training program in opera 和 musical theatre. Having sung for two summers as an Emerging 艺术ist, Payton joined the faculty in 2010 as Company Manager, then as a Voice Teacher starting in 2016. 每年夏天,他都会为即将完成本科或硕士学位的艺术家开设一个私人声音工作室. Seagle Festival produces at least four mainstage productions each summer, with additional run out performances in the upstate New York area including children's operas, 时俗讽刺, 社区活动. 佩顿说:“我在海鸥节的暑假要求我在整个夏天都要从事我的教学和奖学金工作. 这个为期八周的项目是高水平的,为我提供了教学工具,以带回我在威尼斯人平台的声音学生. It keeps me engaged in the current music industry, connected with composers 和 stage directors, aware of new compositions.”

赞美 Dr. 布雷安娜·泰勒(护士) recently published the article Belonging in Online 护理 教育 in The Online Journal of Issues in 护理. 关于她的工作, Taylor said that "Belonging is integral to the professional development 和 success of nursing students."

荣誉, Roxana Vatanparast(法律) 谁在《威尼斯人网站》上发表了《威尼斯人网站》一文. The work explores the democratic potential of pluralism of digital money 和 polycentric governance, 研究两个案例研究:数字法定货币,具有现金的隐私保护特征,促进金融普惠,以及利用区块链技术为无国籍人群建立的数字货币. 根据Vatanparast的说法, “数字货币应该被认真对待,因为它提供了多种形式的民主实验,通过制度和技术设计来影响边缘化社区的分配和政治变革.”